7 Asian Pacific Heritage Month Ideas & Activities for Work

Asian Pacific Heritage Month is a wonderful opportunity to recognize, honor, and celebrate the contributions and cultural heritage of people with roots in Asia and the Pacific Islands. That includes those from China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Samoa, and more. 

Whether you’re looking to plan a company event or create a more inclusive workspace, it's important to take these new practices and apply them throughout the year so we can mobilize our efforts to create lasting change. 

Now more than ever, it's important to celebrate diversity and inclusivity in the workplace to foster an environment of understanding and respect. So why not use this month as a springboard for your organization's commitment to embracing foreign cultures, uplifting AAPI colleagues, and having some much-needed fun?

Here are 7 out-of-the-box activities & ideas to help celebrate Asian Pacific Heritage Month with your colleagues!

1. Support Your Local AAPI-Owned Businesses

One of the best things you and your team can do for the AAPI community is to support local AAPI-owned businesses. You can do this by shopping at AAPI-owned stores, hiring AAPI entrepreneurs for services such as catering or web design, and buying products from Asian Pacific brands. 

Not only do you get to show your support for hardworking entrepreneurs, but you can also introduce your office to unique cultural experiences — think stocking your workplace kitchen with yummy snacks from various AAPI brands or sending remote employees care packages with products from AAPI-owned businesses. 

By supporting Asian Pacific businesses, you’re helping create economic growth and opportunity for the AAPI community. Your support will also send a message to other companies about the importance of diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness. So take a look around your neighborhood or do some online research to find local AAPI businesses that you can support today!

2. Take a Cooking Class on Asian Cuisine

One of the best (and most delicious) ways to celebrate AAPI Heritage Month is by cooking a traditional Asian Pacific dish! Whether you have a team of experienced cooks or have a few that are just getting started, there are plenty of tasty cuisines to choose from. 

You could gather everyone together for a cooking class led by an AAPI chef, or find recipes online or in cookbooks written by Asian Pacific authors and challenge everyone to cook them at home. From learning the basics of how to make Pad Thai or Kimchi to mastering Tandoori, the possibilities are endless!

Cooking is also a great way to show respect for a culture by celebrating its flavors and traditions. Ask any AAPI friends or coworkers for their favorite recipes and cooking tips — they are usually more than happy to share! If everyone comes together, it will be a delicious way to learn about different cultures and get a taste of what makes them unique. Bon Appetite! 

3. Visit a Museum to Celebrate AAPI Art

APHM is the perfect occasion to immerse yourself in Asian and Pacific Islander culture and art. Take your team out to visit your local museum or art gallery or browse virtual museums and exhibitions of AAPI art. You can explore ancient sculptures, traditional paintings, contemporary installations, and so much more. 

Your employees will learn about the beauty, history, and artistry of their culture, which is sure to boost morale and give them something to look forward to! Don’t forget to take pictures — you can even post photos on social media with AAPI-inspired hashtags!

Finding Asian art doesn't have to be difficult. There are some incredible virtual museums out there with amazing collections of artwork from all over the world. With the click of a button, your team can explore the history of AAPI art and culture, all while celebrating and recognizing your colleagues.

4. Plan a Company Retreat

A retreat can be an incredible experience for your team! There are so many AAPI countries to explore, and each offers something unique. From the vibrant city of Tokyo, Japan, to the ancient temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, there's something for everyone. 

Enjoy learning about different cultures, customs, and languages while also trying delicious foods that you may have never tasted before. Plus, with all of the experiences and activities planned during your retreat, you will form stronger bonds and come away from the retreat with a greater understanding of Asian Pacific culture.

From cooking classes and guided tours of markets to learning traditional dances and martial arts, you will have the opportunity to explore a completely different world. At Happied, we take the stress out of planning. We will handle all of the logistics while you relax and enjoy a worry-free retreat with your team! 

Ready to get started? Talk to an expert planner today and start planning an unforgettable retreat experience!

5. Study an Asian Language

Hosting language lessons can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only will you learn valuable skills that can help you communicate with nearly half the world, but it's also great for team building.

To get started, why not post a word of the day in your team Slack channel or group email? You could also have everyone download Duolingo, a free app for language learning. Start a shared spreadsheet to track everyone's progress, and have a little competitive fun with it! 

You could also try setting up virtual or in-person practice sessions. This activity is great for building relationships and having some much-needed team bonding time. While we don't expect you to become fluent in Mandarin overnight, learning a few basics can go a long way. Plus, your AAPI team members will likely feel very seen and supported. 

6. Attend a Traditional Yoga Class

The yoga that we practice in the West is much different than what is traditionally practiced in India, but its roots still remain. Having originated over 5,000 years ago, yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to bring about physical and mental balance.  

Whether you decide to have live classes or just follow an online yoga routine, the benefits are endless. Yoga helps reduce stress, increase strength and flexibility, improve sleep and breathing, and promote mindfulness. It can also be adjusted to fit all skill levels, from beginners to experienced practitioners.  

By incorporating a few classes into the workplace, you can honor this rich heritage while providing employees with an effective way to relax and improve their overall wellness. So when they get back to work, they can be productive and focused while feeling refreshed!

7. Volunteer at an AAPI Community Enrichment Organization

Give back to your community this AAPI Heritage Month by donating to a community-enrichment organization that supports Asian and Pacific Islander people. You and the team can work together to promote cultural understanding and appreciation in your area and help preserve AAPI culture by leveraging the power of art, education, and activism.

EPIC and the Asian Mental Health Collective are both excellent organizations to support. EPIC focuses on culture-based activism and leadership development within the Pacific Islander community, while the Asian Mental Health Collective offers resources and advocacy to promote mental health for Asian Americans. 

Wherever your company decides to donate, your support will go a long way in helping AAPI communities. Not only that, your employees will walk away feeling proud of the work they have done to make a difference. And maybe, inspire others to do the same! 

Inspire Change with JOY

This Asian Pacific Heritage Month, let's commit to going beyond just talking about diversity and inclusion by putting our words into action. It’s the perfect starting point to amplify not only AAPI voices, but the voices of all cultures on your team for years to come. 

The next step is up to you. But you don’t have to take it on alone!

At Happied, we are passionate about celebrating diverse cultures and backgrounds. From specialized planning services tailored to your team’s interests to celebratory activities and decorations, our passionate and knowledgeable staff is ready and eager to help bring unifying joy and inclusivity into your workplace. 

Why let anyone feel like an outsider when a simple gathering is all it takes to create real, lasting change? Embrace Asian Pacific Heritage Month and start planning today!


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