Communicate Reflect Learning
Communication Clarity 101
Duration: 15 Minutes
Engage in and hone your communication skills by learning the P.R.E.P. method! This session is going to focus on clearly presenting ideas and answers!
Play the video below to get started!
Instructions Re-Cap:
Press play on the video below and make sure your screen is shared so that it is visible to everyone.
After the video is over, guide some P.R.E.P. practice by asking someone in the group one of the following questions below (other attendees can jot their P.R.E.P. answer in the Meeting chat):
Why is our company needed?
What is the next feature we should add to our product?
Why is your team the most important team?
Who is most likely to have their camera off during a meeting?
P.R.E.P. Key Items to Remember:
P = Position R = Reason E = Evidence P = Position Again